The Best Time To Drink ACV For Weight Loss

The Best Time To Drink ACV For Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar, also known as ACV, has risen to fame as a remedy that can help with weight loss. It is fermented apple juice which is usually used in food or over salads. It holds high levels of acetic acid which may be the reason for its supposed health benefits.

There are however many questions concerning this product around weight loss benefits. When is the best time is to drink ACV? How much should I drink at a time? and How do I drink it? All these questions will be discussed in this article, just keep on reading.

When To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to the fact that ACV claims to hold the properties of increasing digestive health and also suppressing one’s appetite, many people have decided to try it. A study in the UK has shown that persons who consumed ACV in the morning with their breakfast had a much lower appetite than those who did not drink ACV. These persons drinking ACV also had an increased sense of fullness.

Thus, the best time to take this is in the morning, preferably before breakfast. As a result, it will kick start your metabolism and improve digestion. An increased metabolism in turn can give you more energy, help burn more calories, and even make you feel better.

The Best Amount To Consume

The amount one should consume in a day may vary from person to person. It is recommended that a person start by drinking one teaspoon with a cup of warm water. If the taste is still terrible, you may add some honey. It is best to first stir the drink and allow it to stand for a while, before drinking it very slowly. A half an hour before eating your breakfast, drink an additional glass of water.

After you are used to consuming one teaspoon with water, you can move to 2 – 3 teaspoons with water. A Japanese study showed that participants who consumed about 15 ml, which is one tablespoon of ACV for three months, lost about 1 kilogram. They had to take this mixture twice a day.

How Should I Drink It?

It is clear that due to Apple Cider Vinegar’s acidity, one must dilute it in water for it to be palatable. Also, this will help prevent any damage to the enamel on your teeth and the lining of your digestive system. As mentioned above, one can also add honey to make it taste better. One can even add it to a cup of tea. Nonetheless, always dilute it.

The Ultimate Take Home Message

The studies proving that Apple Cider Vinegar can help with weight loss is spotty, however, it is can help improve one’s metabolism and digestion, whilst suppressing the appetite. For these reasons, it is best to take ACV diluted in some water, before breakfast. This will help kick start your system and provide weight loss benefits. Remember to start small and increase the dosage over time until the remedy is palatable and your body can handle the taste.

Is ACV Helpful for UTI?

Is ACV Helpful for UTI?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in the urinary system area, which includes the ureters, urethra, bladder and kidneys. UTIs mostly affect the urethra and the bladder. It can cause annoying and painful urinary symptoms and are typically treated by some form of antibiotics, as bacteria mostly tends to cause the infection.

More On Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has treated many conditions throughout the years and is believed by some to cure many diseases and ailments. But many of these claims lack scientific support and might be a bit exaggerated. Promising results have been shown in the treatment and management of diabetes as well as weight loss support in rats, but in other areas the research about the medicinal value of apple cider vinegar is limited. Even though there is no evidence that suggests that apple cider vinegar can treat urinary tract infections, it might still offer some benefits.

Apple cider vinegar can be used as health remedies in the following ways:

Mix Cranberry Juice And Apple Cider Vinegar

Unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar can be added to fresh cranberry juice for a natural and common treatment for urinary tract infection. Even though it might not cure or treat the infection, it may have an effect in preventing infections especially for women who frequently suffer from recurring infections.

Add It To Water

One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar can be added to a glass of water several times per day. This will assist your body with naturally flushing out any harmful bacteria residing in the body.

Drizzle It Over Your Salad

For a delicious salad dressing, apple cider vinegar can be mixed with olive oil. If you like your dressings sweet, one teaspoon of honey can be added.

Make Yourself Some Herbal Tea

You can add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your choice of herbal tea. Try a cinnamon spiced tea with a splash of honey for a taste that would be much easier to tolerate.

Potential Complications And Risks

Your skin can easily be irritated by apple cider vinegar as it is highly acidic. It should, therefore, never be applied directly to your skin. It should always be diluted first.

See Your Doctor

If you notice any of the following symptoms of a urinary tract infection, you should consult your doctor: a persistent, intense urge to urinate, urine which is accompanied with burning sensations, cloudy urine with a strong smell and brownish, pink or red urine.

Luckily, these types of infections can easily be treated with medication. Some of these prescribed medications can even numb the uncomfortable sensations experienced while urinating. If these infections are left untreated it can lead to more serious complications such as sepsis, kidney damage or recurrent infections.

The Bottom Line

Even though apple cider vinegar does offer a lot of health benefits, it is definitely not a cure for urinary tract infections. Make sure to make an appointment with your doctor if you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms as the proper medication will provide relief after one or two days.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help Eliminate Headaches?

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help Eliminate Headaches?

Apple cider vinegar has been known for a long time as a super healthy food because it has been scientifically shown to produce a variety of health benefits. Just some of the health benefits include:

  • Reduced blood sugar
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Increased insulin sensitivity

It is also packed with nutrients antioxidants and all sorts of other helpful nutrients.

So with all these health benefits, how could it not help in some way or another with headaches and migraines? Well, that is what is going to be explored in this article.

How can apple cider vinegar help headaches?

At this time there isn’t much research into the effect of apple cider vinegar on headaches and migraines, and there is no definitive scientific evidence yet but many people have reported apple cider vinegar as being useful against headaches and migraines. There are a number of theories about how it works. The leading theory is that because of the various health benefits it produces, it contributes in many ways. For example, by reducing blood pressure, it can increase blood flow to the brain (when there is high pressure in the blood vessels there is a reduction in flow, due to fluid mechanics). Another way is that it provides larger amounts of potassium to the brain which has a role in its electrical activity. The electrical activity of the brain has been implicated in headaches and migraines.

Different remedies

One of the most common remedies is a mixture of the apple cider vinegar and honey. 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with one teaspoon of honey all diluted in 8 ounces of water can be taken once a day to reduce headaches.

Another option is to soak a washcloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes, ring it out and place it over the forehead. The cold temperature helps to reduce pressure in the head and the apple cider vinegar may be absorbed into the blood vessels in the head or inhaled which helps to reduce a headache as well.

Apple cider vinegar can also be inhaled directly by mixing 1/4 cup of it with two cups of water and heating the mixture. Then breathe in the vapor. This is best done to relieve sinus headaches.

Other things to consider

There are a number of other interventions that can be taken along with using apple cider vinegar to reduce headaches. The most effective way is to deal with the cause of a headache. Headaches can be caused by dehydration, lack of sleep, or too much stress, just to name a few. So it would help to make sure to get enough water and enough sleep as well as reducing stress along with taking the apple cider vinegar to get the best benefits. Apple cider vinegar is also not a replacement for medical therapy in severe cases, so consult a doctor if the symptoms persist for a long time and are very severe.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar a Cure for Acne?

Is Apple Cider Vinegar a Cure for Acne?

Apple cider vinegar has become really popular because of its variety of uses and benefits in the community of natural health. Many people believe that it has a lot of health benefits which includes weight loss, lower risk of cancer, and reduced blood sugar levels. Some people even believe that it might cure or benefit acne. In this article, we provide more information on whether this really is the case.

Apple Cider Vinegar Might Kill Bacteria That Causes Acne

It is a known fact that vinegar can destroy different types of viruses and bacteria. Research shows that it can reduce the amount of some viruses and certain bacteria by between 90 and 95%. P.acnes (a type of bacteria) is known to contribute largely to acne and its development. It has been shown that succinic, lactic, citric and acetic acid (which is contained in apple cider vinegar) can kill P. acnes. One study was conducted where a group of people applied a lotion which contained lactic acid to their faces two times a day for 365 days. Only two people found that their acne improved by less than 50%. Most people in the group experienced a remarkable reduction in acne.

It Reduces The Appearance Of Scarring

After acne has been healed, it can still cause scarring and discoloration. Some of the acids found in apple cider vinegar can assist with this when directly applied to the skin. This process is sometimes referred to as chemical peeling. The acids tend to remove the outer layers of the skin which have been damaged and it then boosts regeneration.

It Can Burn Your Skin

Apple cider vinegar may burn your skin when it makes direct contact with it, as it is very acidic. This mostly occurs with longer periods of skin contact. It should, therefore, be diluted with water and used in small amounts to prevent burns and skin damage. It should also not be used on open wounds or sensitive skin. If you experience a burning sensation when applying it to your skin, either dilute it more or stop using it altogether.

Directions For Use

Because of apple cider vinegar’s high acidity, it should always be diluted before applying it to your skin. Here are steps that you can follow:

  • Mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts water.
  • Cleanse and dry your face.
  • Use a cotton pad or ball to apply the solution to your skin.
  • Rinse after 10-20 seconds.
  • Repeat this process about once or twice a day.

The Bottom Line

The organic acids contained in apple cider vinegar may help to kill certain bacterias that tend to cause acne. It may also reduce the appearance of discoloration and scars.

It should be used with caution, however, as it can cause burns and damage, especially when applied to open wounds or sensitive skin.

This might mean that apple cider vinegar might not work for everyone.