Does the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Work?

Does the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Work?

As an apple cider vinegar (ACV) diet has become one of the highest fastest-rising health topics it is worth taking a look into it. Quality apple cider vinegar with the ‘mother’ contains some amino acids and antioxidants. Apple Cider Vinegar with the ‘mother’ is the vinegar which still has the culture of beneficial bacteria that turns regular apple cider into vinegar. The “mother” is responsible for most of the health benefits which is claimed to help with weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, reduced cholesterol and improved symptoms of diabetes.

What is the apple cider vinegar diet?

Taking ACV on its own without following a good and healthy eating plan will avail to nothing. The whole concept of a diet should be what it implies ‘diet” – eating less, junk food and replacing it with good wholesome nutrition, following a healthy eating plan. In conjunction with the eating plan ACV might be added (1 or 2 teaspoons before or with meals). There are more benefits taking ACV than disadvantages.

What Can The ACV Diet Do For You?

Apple cider vinegar only contains about three calories per tablespoon and has been used for thousands of years as for its detoxification, antibiotic, and healing properties. Recently it has been discovered for it weight loss properties.

Other Benefits Of ACV Include

  • Reduce belly fat
  • Protective effects against cancer
  • Kills many types of harmful bacteria
  • Lowers blood sugar levels
  • Fight against diabetes

Is There Any Evidence?

Recent studies in obese rats and mice proposed that acetic acid may prevent fat deposition and improve/ameliorate the metabolism. A study done of humans is 2009 of 175 people who consumed a drink containing one, or two tablespoons of vinegar each day. After three month period, those who consumed vinegar had modest weight loss (2 to 4 pounds) and lower triglyceride levels than those who drank no vinegar.

What Are The Downsides To ACV?

ACV should be diluted and never taken in its pure content as it may damage tooth enamel. It should not be taken before working out ( running/exercise) as it is acidic and might make the esophagus feel as if it is on fire.

ACV  has been reported to cause or worsen low potassium (regulates the heart’s contractions and helps maintain muscle function and mass) levels. Which is especially important for people taking medications that can lower potassium (such as common diuretics taken to treat high blood pressure).

ACV may change insulin levels. People with diabetes should be very cautious when following a high vinegar diet.

ACV Or Not The Choice Is Yours

If you are serious about weight loss, adding ACV might not be a miracle cure but the disadvantageous are minimal. ACV may be mixed into smoothies, cocktails, as a salad dressing, and with water. It may be included in your daily diet as it has many health benefits and very few health risks. As with every diet, a lot of willpower is needed to try to follow a healthy diet and healthy eating habits.

What is the Nutritional Value of ACV?

What is the Nutritional Value of ACV?

Apple cider vinegar is made from apples, yeast, and sugar through a process that ferments the sugar in apples, turning it into acetic acid.

You can typically find two types of apple cider vinegar on the market.

The first is known as filtered apple cider vinegar, which has a clear appearance. The second is known as ‘mother’, which is an unfiltered vinegar, rich in enzymes and proteins with a cloudy appearance.

Apple Cider Vinegar Nutrients

When discussing the nutritional value of apple cider vinegar, it should be noted that there aren’t many minerals or vitamins contained in this ingredient apart from trace amounts of copper, magnesium, and potassium. This being said, apple cider vinegar does contain antioxidants and amino acids.

There is still a lot of research that needs to be done on whether the unfiltered (mother) variety of apple cider vinegar is better than the filtered brands.

Apple Cider Vinegar Usage

Apple cider vinegar can be incorporated into your daily regime in many different ways.

It can be used in cooking, as a salad dressing or marinade. Or you could drink it as a health supplement.

However, this vinegar has a high acidity level, which means that you should not drink it in its pure form. To consume this vinegar safely, it is advised that you should dilute it with water first.

The general rule of thumb for apple cider vinegar to water ratio is one or two teaspoons to one glass of water.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Weight-Loss

The weight-loss effects of apple cider vinegar are widely debated, with mixed results dividing the healthcare industry.

Apart from its impact on blood sugar levels, some studies have suggested that apple cider vinegar could promote satiety (feeling of fullness), which prevents you from overeating.

Another study found that the acetic acid, in apple cider vinegar, could assist obese individuals with decreasing their body mass and visceral fat.

This being said, there is still not enough conclusive evidence to confidently back these claims.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Blood Sugar

Many studies have investigated the effects of apple cider vinegar on insulin sensitivity, with evidence pointing to its ability to decrease blood sugar levels – through the consumption of small quantities.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Heartburn

Many people question whether apple cider vinegar can, in fact, prevent heartburn. With little evidence backing this, it is believed that it could help decrease the symptoms of heartburn, provided that the individual does not have high levels of stomach acid.

If you have high stomach acid, apple cider vinegar could worsen your symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Cholesterol

While it is believed that apple cider vinegar could assist in managing cholesterol levels, the only evidence that exists is based on animal studies – in which the antioxidant chlorogenic acid was found to affect cholesterol.

Apple Cider Vinegar Risks

Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy, not a medication.

As such there are no official or clinically proven recommendations for usage.

It should also be noted that there is not enough research on the long-term effects of consuming large amounts of apple cider vinegar.

The risks associated with the use of apple cider vinegar are double-edged swords. While it could decrease blood sugar and potassium levels, it should not be used if you are on diuretic medication for the same reason.

For individuals with gastroparesis, apple cider vinegar should be avoided as it could worsen the associated symptoms of this condition.

The acidity in apple cider vinegar could also eat at the enamel on your teeth, and may lead to damage of the esophagus if not consumed in a diluted form.

Before you start using apple cider vinegar it is advisable to consult your doctor, to ensure safe use.

Should You Be Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar?

Should You Be Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has become a staple in any DIY beauty and health regime, alongside coconut oil and baking soda. Climbing in popularity, you will find a myriad of supplements and beauty products that incorporate this fantastic ingredient.

In fact, apple cider vinegar has become so mainstream that there is even a diet plan, dedicated to it. With many individuals praising the supposed weight-loss benefits that come with this eating plan.

However, before you run to the store and gulp down a cup of apple cider vinegar, there are a few things you should know.

High acidity levels, interference with medication and indigestion could all be caused by this condiment. This is why it is crucial to seek the advice of your healthcare provider, to find out how best to include apple cider vinegar into your daily routine.

Here is a list of factors you should consider before drinking this vinegar.

Type Matters

As with any food product or ingredient, there are many different types available. Not every apple cider vinegar has the same potency and all brands are not the same.

If you want to yield the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, it is best to invest in a brand that is raw and organic. This is due to the advantageous enzymes and protein strands that can be found in this variety, known as ‘mother’.

In most stores, you will notice that this vinegar is clear but organic apple cider vinegar is generally more cloudy in appearance.

High Acidity Levels

Boasting a long list of positive properties, such as its antiseptic qualities, apple cider vinegar is also highly acidic.

If not consumed in the right quantities or concentration, this vinegar can lead to the erosion of tooth enamel and esophagus damage.

For this reason, it is always recommended that you should dilute the apple cider vinegar with water before drinking it – never consume pure apple cider vinegar.

Indigestion Concerns

Due to its acidity levels, apple cider vinegar could also cause indigestion. This side effect is usually coupled with heartburn and nausea.

This is why it is suggested that you should decrease the frequency at which you use apple cider vinegar if you start to experience any of these symptoms.

Diabetics Beware

While apple cider vinegar has been shown to decrease blood sugar levels, individuals with diabetes should practice caution when incorporating it into their diets. If consumed in excess, this vinegar could increase gastroparesis symptoms in diabetics (type one).

If you are a diabetic, it is important to consult your doctor before taking it on a regular basis.

Medication Interference

Apple cider vinegar is known to affect the way some medications work, counteracting their potency.

If you are currently on any prescription meds, you need to find out how apple cider vinegar will affect it. Consult your doctor for more information, before starting usage.

Topical Benefits

If you choose to use apple cider vinegar as a topical solution, its antimicrobial and antifungal properties can give your skin a boost, clearing up spots, toning, and fighting infections.

No Probiotic Benefits

While apple cider vinegar is often thrown into the ‘probiotic food’ group, due to its fermentation process –  it has very little probiotic benefits.

If you would like to increase your probiotic intake, rather opt for fermented foods like yogurt and tempeh which can help you to improve digestive health.


Unfortunately, research suggests that there is no proof that apple cider vinegar actually assists with weight-loss. This means that including this condiment into your diet plan won’t actually help you shed any pounds.

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Key to Weight Loss?

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Key to Weight Loss?

Weight loss is something many people struggle with. It might be difficult to find the time to exercise and plan out a healthy diet. So sometimes we turn to superfoods that can help us lose weight better than a normal diet. There have been stories for many years and several celebrities who have tried taking daily apple cider vinegar to assist their weight loss. There have been some scientific studies that compared weight loss with apple cider vinegar and without, and they came up with some interesting results.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

In order to understand how it can help, it’s best to know what you’re thinking of putting in your body. Apple cider vinegar is made similarly to cider by taking fresh apple juice and adding yeast. The yeast converts the sugars to alcohol. The next step is adding bacteria which converts the alcohol to acetic acid, the main component of vinegar. Unrefined apple cider vinegar contains a foam that is rich in enzymes and other compounds which are largely responsible for the effects of apple cider vinegar.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?

The studies that examined the effects of apple cider vinegar on weight loss determined that it can act as a mild appetite suppressant but there’s only small evidence for this. More importantly, apple cider vinegar changes the way that carbohydrates are absorbed in the body and this leads to smaller blood sugar spikes after a meal. There is also some evidence that apple cider vinegar lowers levels of circulating triglycerides, which are fat molecules, and this could have an overall effect on weight loss. The sad news is that apple cider vinegar is not effective enough to overcome a bad diet, so in order to lose weight it must be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. But perhaps these regimes don’t have to be strict because of the helping effect of apple cider vinegar.

Is It Right For You?

Considering the above evidence, the people who are most likely to benefit on the use of apple cider vinegar are those that are committed to a dietary and exercise program for the duration of their weight loss. If you are the kind of person that wants to lose a lot of weight in a matter of a short amount of time than apple cider vinegar is not right for you. In reality, there aren’t very many methods of losing weight quickly and for the most part, these are quite unhealthy. But if you are the kind of person that can get committed and just needs that extra bit of help, then you could benefit from trying apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is also helpful for those who aren’t necessarily interested in weight loss because apple cider vinegar also provides a number of health benefits like lowering cholesterol, providing antioxidants, and protecting the bones against osteoporosis.

Side Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar

There are some side effects associated with taking apple cider vinegar daily such as esophageal burns (rarely), low blood sugar, low potassium and tooth erosion. Make sure to watch out for these and consult your doctor if you are experiencing any adverse effects.

How Can ACV Help Benefit Your Health?

How Can ACV Help Benefit Your Health?

We probably all know that person that has a bottle of apple cider vinegar in their house. People have used it for several different purposes over the centuries. The various claims that people make about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar have prompted some researchers to take a look at some of the benefits it can offer, and compare these things scientifically so that the truth behind these claims can be revealed. Scientists have since found that apple cider vinegar provides a range of health benefits which can be seen by having just one tablespoon of it per day.

Apple Cider Vinegar Is Good For Your Heart

Apple cider vinegar contains significant amounts of potassium and magnesium. These two minerals help to relax the blood vessel walls and reduce levels of sodium in the blood. The result of these two actions is a reduction in blood pressure, which reduces the amount of work that the heart has to do to get the blood around the body. Apple cider vinegar has also been shown to improve levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) which is the good kind. It also stops the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol using chlorogenic acid. Oxidized LDL cholesterol is one of the major factors towards heart attacks and strokes and so apple cider vinegar protects against this.

It’s Good For Your Metabolism Too

A study conducted by Arizona State University shows that apple cider vinegar helps people to feel more full and reduced the blood glucose when taken daily. It ca, therefore,e help with the prevention of developing diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Apple cider vinegar also increases circulation to the liver and the acidic nature of it and its antioxidant content help to detoxify the liver. It also acts in the lymph nodes and improves lymph circulation which removes infectious toxins.

Most strikingly, scientists also found out that apple cider vinegar can help people lose weight when taken daily. This could be because it increases satiety and lowers overall body fat.

Apple Cider Vinegar Also Protects Your Organs

But there’s still more that apple cider vinegar does. It helps with the absorption of calcium which can then be deposited in the bones and protect them from osteoporosis. A teaspoon with each meal helps to absorb more of the calcium from that meal, which is especially important for women who are aging and at greater risk of osteoporosis.

The antioxidants in apple cider vinegar also help to protect each and every organ by reducing the chemical damage from free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous molecules that react with cell membranes and proteins and damage them. They come from the body’s own metabolism and from infections and the environment.

Free radicals also cause accelerated aging in the skin and organs, so consuming these antioxidants from apple cider vinegar helps to slow down the aging process.

Lastly, apple cider vinegar is able to relieve all sorts of digestive disorders like indigestion, bloating, gas and heartburn. The research behind this is still ongoing but the theory is that these problems are precipitated by a low acid environment in the stomach and apple cider vinegar helps to correct that.